22 Mart 2016 Salı

Aromaterapi 101

Aromaterapi ile maceram birkaç ay önce başladı. Aslına bakarsanız, biricik arkadaşım Merve Türkiye'de gazetecilik yaparken röportaj yaptığı bir aromaterapistten yıllar önce bahsetmişti bana. Ama o ara işin fasafisosu gibi gelmiş, bir kulağımdan girip, diğer kulağımdan çıkmıştı açıkçası. Yoga da pek çoğuna işin fasafisosu gibi geliyor, o yüzden anlıyorum. Fakat kulağa su kaçması iyi bir şey. Algıda seçicilik yaratıyor. Merve'min hayatıma kattığı onlarca güzel şeyden birisidir aslında Aromaterapi. Ancak her şeyin bir zamanı var. Birkaç ay önce arkadaşım Petra bizi havaalanından karşılamaya geldiğinde kokusu beni kendimden geçirdi. "Ne sürdün sen?" diye sorunca, "bilmem birkaç yağ sürdüm" dedi ve uçucu yağ koleksiyonunu kucağıma fırlattı. Paçayı o ara kaptırdım sanırım... Orada birkaç birşey ısmarladım. Sonra kitaplar aldım, okumaya başladım. 

Sonra İstanbul'a dönünce kimyasal ürünlerden, organik ve çok doğal gibi yapan paketli safsatalardan bana gına geldi; dedim "artık bulabildiğim kadar saf ürünle, yapabileceğim her şeyi elimden geldiğince kendim yapacağım." Yiyeceklerden, temizlik ürünlerine ve güzellik malzemelerine kadar...  Şimdi şekersiz çikolatamızı, granolamızı, bitki sütlerimizi, losyon ve kremlerimizi, yüz ve makyaj temizleyicilerimi, deodorantlarımızı, temizlik malzemelerimizi; her şeyi evde yapıyorum. Hatta bugün işi bir sonraki aşamaya taşımaya karar vererek iyileştirici formüller hazırlamaya başladım. 

Haftasonu bu girişimlerimi, okuma ve araştırmalarımı taçlandırmak üzere, yine bolca araştırdıktan sonra Kuzguncuk'ta bir aromaterapi kursuna katıldım. Çok da iyi araştırmışım; öğretmenimiz Aslı'yı da ürünlerini de çok sevdim. Siz de eğer safiyet arayışı içindeyseniz, hem ürünlerini hem de workshoplarını tüm kalbimle tavsiye ederim. (www.homemadearomaterapi.net) Sadece bu konuya hakim olması ve yaratıcı girişimciliği değil; aynı zamanda da samimi ve alçakgünüllü hali son derece etkiledi beni. Ne de olsa bugünlerde işini çok iyi ve sevgiyle yapıp; havalara girmeyen, keşfetmeyi ve öğrenmeyi sürdüren profesyonelleri bulmak zor. 

Öğrendiklerimin hepsini bir blog yazısına sığdıramayacak olsam da; birkaç bilgiyi paylaşabilirim sizlerle : 

- Aromaterapi, binlerce yıllık (nerden baksan 6000 yıl) iyileştirici bir bilim dalı. Özellikle de Ayurveda'da çok kullanılıyormuş. Evet, Hindistan'da ashrama gidince bol susam yağlı masajlar yaptırıyordum ama bunu hiç aromaterapiyle bağdaştırmamıştım doğrusu. Gül, misk ve amber kokuları da size Osmanlı'daki kullanımlarıyla ilgili fikir verebilir. :)) Ne derece yoğun kullanıldığından emin değilim halk arasında ama saray işini biliyormuş belli ki... 

- Şimdi bir uçucu yağlar var bir de bu uçucu yağları seyreltmek için taşıyıcı yağlar var. Uçucu yağlar tonlarca bitkinin sıkıştırılmasından ortaya çıktığı için, haliyle bir hayli yoğunlar. Yine de bence siz bu işi bilirkişisinden, Aslı'dan öğrenin. 

- Aromaterapi sadece spaya gidince ve masaj yaptırırken değil; evlerimizde de misler gibi kokup, kullanıp faydasını görebileceğimiz bir alan... Boğaz, nefes açıcı okaliptüs yağından, mışıl mışıl uyumak için lavantaya; hop enerjinizi yükseltmek için narenciyelerden sindiriminizi güçlendirmek ve başınız ağrıdığında şakaklarınızı ovmak için acı nane yağına; bağışıklığınızı yükseltmek için biberiyeden, cildinizi pırıl pırıl yapması için gül yağına kadar minik bir yanetkisiz ecza dolabı yaratabiliyorsunuz evinizde. 

- Aromaterapi yağları ilk bakışta biraz pahalı görünebilir fakat hem doğal oldukları için hem de fiziksel zihinsel ve ruhsal sağlığımız üzerinde son derece etkili olduklarından tercih etmekten hiç çekinmedim. Uzun vadede cildinizi iyileştirecek, bağışıklığınızı arttıracak ve pek çok alanda maliyeti düşürecekler çünkü. Hem de bu yağları en güzel şekilde kullanmayı öğrendikten sonra kimyasallarla dolu olan tüm temizlik ve güzelllik malzemelerinizi fırlatıp atabilirsiniz. Yok efendim neymiş, içinde pırlanta varmış... 

- Aromaterapi yağlarını tercih ederken en doğal ve saf olanını almalısınız. Taşıyıcı yağlarınızın soğuk sıkım olması gerekiyor.  

- Her uçucu (öz) yağın bir faydası var. Mesela, benim ilk sorum, "başlangıç için hangilerini almalıyım?" olmuştu. Arkadaşım Petra, "buradayken al, sonra İstanbul'da hepsini bulamayabilirsin. Çok alışacaksın, bu esanslar yaşıyor, senin bir parçan olacaklar" demişti. Haklı çıktı. Sonra sonra bir baktım minik minik ortaya karışık bir çoğunu almışım. Ama ilk alacaklarınız, lavanta, çay ağacı, limon, acı nane (peppermint) ve okaliptüs olabilir. Ruhsal ve meditatif bir şeyler arıyorsanız, günlük (frankincense) yağını tavsiye ederim. 

Bu uçucu yağların birçok faydası var. Hepsini yazmak sayfalar alır. Ancak başlıca faydalarını şöyle sıralayabiliriz:  

Lavanta: Rahatlatıcıdır, uyku ilacınıza alternatiftir. Cilde iyi gelir. Babaannem uyumadan önce yastığına sürer. 

Çay Ağacı (Tea Tree): Sivilceniz mi var, bir gıdım üstüne sürün, söner. :)) Sivrisinek mi ısırdı, üzerine sürünce kaşıntınız geçer. Antiseptiktir. Temizlik için harikadır. Enfeksiyonlara ve mantara iyi gelir. 

Limon: Enerji verir. Aktioksidandır. Soğuk algınlığına ve astıma iyi gelir. Mideye ve sindirime iyi gelir. Konsantrasyonu ve bağışıklığı arttırır. 

Acı Nane (Peppermint): Sindirime çok iyi gelir. Kas gevşeticidir. Antimikrobiyaldir. Baş ağrılarına birebirdir.  

Okaliptüs: Astım, boğaz ağrıları, soğuk algınlığı için harikadır. 

2 Mart 2016 Çarşamba

Being on the Road… (32) Venice & Santa Monica Picks

You can find a lot of organic, GMO-free "hip" delicacy places at Venice Beach & Santa Monica area but the real challenge is to find less pretentious, uptight places with generous portions...  

We chose to buy our food from Whole Foods & Trader Joe's mostly and cook at home during our last 10 day stay around the area. 

I created this list depending on my expectations of a good restaurant / bar / coffee shop. I don't mind paying for a really nice food; I am a foody after all. But I really regret it when the food is average, the service is comme ci comme ça, and the bill is greatly expensive for what I get. Around here people seem to have adapted it.  

Here is a list of my favorites in Santa Monica & Venice area : 

Do not leave Venice without: 

- Enjoying the healthy food at Café Gratitude (they are tasty, cosy and I like the service. if you are petite, you can be satisfied with their portions. if not, you'll keep ordering. and pay.) 

- Getting coffee at Groundworks (exceptional coffee; organic & fair trade) 

- Having brunch at Gjelina (pricy but a Venice experience, small portions, packed over the weekends, but I'd take it as a cultural experience haha) 

And other favorite pass-time picks at Venice Beach & Santa Monica Area : 

- Will Rogers Historical State Park Hiking Trail: (&other trails at Topanga Canyon)  Inspiring hikes. You must hike to the inspiration point, sit and meditate there for a while…  Also there are lots of trails you can take depending how much time you have. 

- Walk by the beach on the sand at sunset and stare at the infinity (I like that a lot) 

- Take a walk to Santa Monica Pier via Venice Beach festivities and stop by at Rusty's (a good old american/surfers pub -cosy and quiet unhealthy) 

- Take a walk by the Venice Canal Houses (this is a really nice walk) 

- Go to the Cows End Coffee, have coffee, get some sun, and spend time with the locals. They even have a reading spot upstairs. We really liked it here. 

- Visit East Wind Thai Vegan Restaurant on Lincoln Blvd. This restaurant has been like home to us. Reasonable prices, nice ambience, good food and service. 

- RIZE Thai Sushi on Lincoln is our happy hour favorite (everyday between 4.30 till 7pm they offer amazing wine & sushi. Nice ambience, food and service. 

- Trattoria at the Venice Pier A very cosy Italian restaurant. Good pasta, good wine and  their garden is nice, too. If you don't mind gluten, let them bring it on! 

- Fritto Misto is another cute little Italian place, really cosy. We had their lunch special on new years day, their split pea soup was really good. Asparagus ravioli was not the best I've ever had but it was also good. 

- Bowl Kitchen : (Vietnamese) We came here twice. One time we were really ill and their humongous vegetarian pho saved our life. Festive! 

- French Market Café (buy a groupon!!) for a French experience at Venice :D Usually restaurants and cafés around here are a bit uptight and food is microscopic: "LA style" This was nice, even though the owner seemed a little grumpy at first, he came over and asked how we were doing, it was kind of cute. 

- Bay Cities Italian Deli on Lincoln : We celebrated new year's eve with the little fresh, healthy appetizers we got from them and their Sandwiches are to die for! So good and fresh. Almost always packed. 

- Café K : I can tell, their sandwich was quiet good. 

Healthy, Vegan and Organic Picks: 

* Café Gratitude (just go in once. you will want to go again. they are good.) 

* Seed Kitchen a cute, healthy and organic & macrobiotic place for a casual lunch or dinner. It wasn't an unforgettable dinner but I liked them quiet a lot. 

* Satdha Plant Based Kitchen - Their food is delicious and service is nice but I found their portions to be too small. Still worth a try! 

* Mendocino Farms : Truly, really good sandwiches. I really like them. Cosy place. But it can be either a little cheaper or they can add a side with the sandwich. 

Never been but hip: 

* Venice Ale House the always crowded, organic, hip bar at the Board Walk (I kind of do regret that we didn't go.) 

* Plant Food and Wine (I get really cranky when the portions are small and I wasn't sure if that was the case. That's why I didn't go. Call it prejudice.)  

* True Food Kitchen Santa Monica - Their edamame dumplings and spaghetti squash casserole seem to be really good. As a health food enthusiast I'd go; but again, I get really cranky when the portions are too small. I wasn't sure, that's why I didn't go.

30 Ocak 2016 Cumartesi

Being on the Road... (33) The End of the Journey

People ask me if I am ready to be back. 

I am. 

I am ready to be back with a dash of excitement in my heart, with new self-sustainable living plans and with a restful soul. 

I don't tend to miss simit, Turkish tea and feta cheese while I am away. I miss the people who are waiting for me to come back. 

And when I am there, I miss the ones who are waiting for me to go back on the other side of the world... And yet, I will go again. With the longing gypsy in my heart, in search of the experience of the greater... 

To me, setting roots is to set roots in this earth. The more I get closer to Her, the more settled I become inside. 

From distance, you can look at your life from far away and realize how fabulous it is with all its ups and downs. You can appreciate more of what you already have and start wishing for less. 

This has been an unforgettable adventure. My soul filled with nature and inspiration, I breathed the air I deserved, I filled my lungs with the ocean and forests and remembered a lot of the things that I had forgotten. I found the island I wanted to settle in if I ever wanted to settle down... 

There is a traveler living within me. And that side of me almost never feels like she is leaving. 

And yet I will leave again. 
And my next destination will be the land that calls me the most. 

We shall see... 

20 Ocak 2016 Çarşamba

Being on the Road... (31) Kauai Island, Hawai'i

Kalalau Trail

Kauai, the island of likeminded, lighthearted, down to earth people. Here, being organic is not an option, it's a life style. This was what I have long been looking for. And for the first time maybe, I felt like I found a safe place where I could raise my kids just the way I want to... While it's still not for sure that we will ever bear children, my will to return to the island will remain. 

Our story of coming to Kauai has been very mystical. As if the land called and welcomed us. And now, all I can think of is to be back... It wouldn't happen if it wasn't my friend Petra. She heard my souls' calling. And she led our way towards this island. I am grateful. And even "grateful" is not enough to throughly translate my feelings. Mahalo! 

And A hui hu'o Kauai  

Being on the Road... (30) Kauai Island, Hawai'i

Day 6

Today could be one of the most amazing days of my life. We took the breathtaking Kalalau trail with Petra and her beautiful friend Teresa in the morning. We couldn't make it all the way up to the waterfall (11 miles) but we have to have remaining things to do for our next visit! 

Kalalau Trail

Kalalau Trail

Kalalau Trail

Kalalau Trail

Kalalau Trail

Kalalau Trail

Kalalau Trail

And after our walk Petra took us to the Botanical Gardens. We explored the native plants, flowers and life style of ancient Hawai'i. 

Hawaiian Hibiscus 

Hawaiian Hibiscus 
Hawaiian Hibiscus 

Hawaiian Hibiscus 

We made it to Ke'e beach just at the right time for an incredible sunset. 

Ke'e Beach

And then we had a big dinner at Kalypso, Hanalei.  

Being on the Road... (29) Kauai Island, Hawai'i

Day 5 

This island is not so populated. There seems to be not much to do on the worldly level. There are not too many distractions, restaurants, shopping, consumption. The pace of the daily life is slow and there isn't much to do if you love night life. There are a couple of nice restaurants and a lot of health food stores and healthy food options. Most people grow their own food in their garden. 

If you are not looking for city life and if you love to be immersed in nature and spirituality in its true sense, this is the place. This island is a place to grow and set roots. The energy here helps you to connect with yourself in any possible way. Nature is amazing. There are a lot of energy fields in nature you can find and just sit for hours. So if you are nature junkee, you would love it here just like me. But if you need a lot of "things" then, this place is not for you. :)) 

So today was another sacred day in the island. We spend the morning chilling and meditation in the amazing garden where we stay. 

Petra wanted us to go and sit for puja at the hindu temple in the morning but we were waking up in the temple, so wanted to sink in the beauty of the nature-temple. :)) We left home around 11.30 and visited the hindu monastery. When we come back, I am planning to go to their ceremonies 3-4 times a week. 

And then we went on a walk around the area. It was amazing... 

Another incredible nature picture... 

While we were on the road, Cagri offered that we drive all the way to Waimea Canyon, so we did! We didn't have the proper shoes to take the hikes (because it was muddy) but it is definitely on our bucket list for next time! :)) 

Waimea Canyon

Polihale Beach

Polihale Beach

From Waimea Canyon, we drove down to Polihale Beach at the end of Napali Coast through a bumpy road. It was absolutely worth the drive. Polihale was a mystical beach. According to the Hawaiian mythology, this is the place where the spirits reach the source.

"Polihale has been incorrectly translated in many instances as the "House of the Po", where Po is the Hawaiian afterworld. By this account, spirits are said to travel to the coastal plain adjacent to the beach, and stay in the temple, known as the heiau. From there, they would climb the cliffs to the north, jump off into the sea to get to the mythical Po. The story further indicates that this belief was so strong that all the homes built in the vicinity of Polihale would have had no east facing doors, so that no traveling spirit could become trapped within."  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polihale_State_Park 

19 Ocak 2016 Salı

Being on the Road... (28) Kauai Island, Hawai'i

Day 4

Today was one of the most sacred days... From the moment we arrived to Hawai'i, I could feel the sacred energy surrounding me... It's such a deep experience and very special. I only feel similar to this in Bodrum: Covered, taken care of and loved by the land. Kauai island is the only place after Bodrum I felt the vibes so strong. Costa Rica has been amazing and motherly, too. But here I feel like a magnet is pulling me towards the land. Really strong vibes... 

We started our day with this tropical crazy fruit platter!! Yumz!! Rambutan (the red ones) from my friend Petra's orchard, papayas  and bananas from the farmers market, star fruit is picked by our friend Kurt from his garden. Kurt is taking care of the garden here where we stay. He is an angel. He picked the fruits from his garden and brought us for breakfast in the morning... We are so lucky to have had him around... 


Flora and fauna of the island of Kauai 

My beautiful angelic friend & sister Petra. She is the architect of us coming here 

The sacred space where we meditated

The cave where we meditated 

Cave Man and Cave Woman :))

Ke'e Beach -my #1 beach on the island

14 Ocak 2016 Perşembe

Being on the Road... (27) Kauai Island, Hawai'i

We arrived to Lihue on Monday. Our coming here has been kind of magical. Call it force, universe, God, whatever you want to call it, but that force pulled us over to this magical side of the world.

Some of you may remember, I had mentioned in one of my previous blog posts that we decided to go to Costa Rica for our honeymoon because we couldn't afford Hawaii. (http://www.arzuozev.blogspot.com.tr/2015/12/review-on-costa-rica.html) We loved it there too; but Kauai is something else..

When we were thinking about going to Hawaii back then, I contacted my friend Petra, who lives in Kauai island.  She is a cheerful, beautiful, angelic spirit. She was very excited when she heard that we were coming, so was I!.. And after my little research about the prices in Hawai'i, I told her that we weren't going to be able to make it over there this year. Right after that, she took charge and she literally arranged everything for us to go. She found us a discount ticket and asked one of her friends' if he could host us at his place. Petra's friend Star hasn't only offered us his guest house, he also landed us one of his cars and he offered us to pick vegetables from his organic garden and citrus from his trees... (And the weather has been so amazing all week long, which we will discover later on!) :)) Doesn't this all seem kind of celestial to you?.. Beautiful people on this island... 

And indeed it's been a magical week... For the first time in my life, I felt that I found a place I could totally feel comfortable living... Kindest people, organic food, amazing nature, incredible weather, sacred vibes... Even though we will have to leave in a few days, I feel like this is just the beginning...

* * * 

I haven't seen other islands but Kauai definitely has a sacred side to it. The energy here is so strong, feminine and high. With its breathtaking nature, kind people, tropical fruits, access to local, organically grown food, aloha spirit this island stole our heart from the day one...  

Petra took us to mesmerizing Wailua Region right after she picked us up from the airport.

Kamokila Hawaiian Village

Day 2 

I woke up to one of the most sacred mornings in my life... We arrived to Princeville after dawn and we couldn't see much of the surroundings. I couldn't believe my eyes when I woke up. I was in heaven... I meditated in the garden, what else could I do?.. 

Garden of our home at Princeville

Garden of our home at Princeville, there are also tangelo, lemon and starfruit trees and an organic garden... 

Today was our day out discovering the beaches on the north shore :)) 
This one is Pali Ke Kua (Hideaways) Beach 

Pali Ke Kua (Hideaways) Beach 

Hanalei Farmers Market - Their avocados and papayas are to die for! 

This beautiful little bird is everywhere in Kauai

Hanalei Bay

Hanalei Bay

We met Petra at Hanalei Bay and took a walk at sunset. Did you see the smiling moon?  Isn't it poetic?.. 

Day 3 

Oranges and lemons from the garden, rambutan from your friends' orchard, papaya and avocados from the farmers' market... Too good to be true!.. 

Our breakfast this morning was papaya and orange banana cashew nut & macadamia smoothie. And we were ready to discover the best beaches of Kauai! :)) 

Anini Beach 

Anini Beach

Anini Beach

Anini Beach

Kalihiwahi Beach 

Secret Beach 

Our little hike to Secret Beach

Secret Beach 

Papaa Beach